10 Studies from 8 Chosen Episodes - - 20 Studies from 20 Chosen Scenes
Here we meet Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Simon, Andrew, and others as they are called by Jesus:
10 Studies from 8 entire Episodes / 192-pages
The Kingdom of God is at Hand: These guides cut out much of The Chosen's backstory focusing on studying the passages from Chosen scenes. See: chosen-playlist.
20 Bible Studies from 20 Chosen Scenes / 226-pages
Here we continue with Jesus' outreach through the Samaritan woman to her hometown, ending with The Sermon on the Mount:
10 Studies from 8 entire Episodes / 188-pages
Come and See . . . Listen and Learn: These guides cut out much of The Chosen's backstory focusing on studying the passages from Chosen scenes. See: chosen-playlist.
20 Studies from 20 Scenes / 226-pages
This season begins with The Sermon on the Mount and concludes with the Feeding of the 5000 and Jesus' / Peter's walk on water.
10 Studies from 8 entire Episodes / 206-pages
New Wine Requires Fresh Wineskins: These guides cut out much of The Chosen's backstory focusing on studying the passages from Chosen scenes. See: chosen-playlist.
20 Studies from 20 Scenes / 226-pages
We pick up with the death of John the Baptist, continue through Lazarus' resurrection and then Jesus' entry to Jerusalem with a consistent theme that Jesus gives sight to the blind.
10 Studies 8 entire Episodes / 206-pages
I Am the Resurrection and the Life: These guides cut out much of The Chosen's backstory focusing on studying the passages from Chosen scenes. See: chosen-playlist.
20 Studies from 20 Scenes / 226-pages
This season will begin with Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem and continue with the events of the last week of his life.
10 Studies from 8 entire Episodes / 206-pages
He Began to Wash the Disciples' Feet: These guides cut out much of The Chosen's backstory focusing on studying the passages from Chosen scenes. See: chosen-playlist.
20 Studies from 20 Scenes / 266-pages
The Book of Ecclesiastes is the most evangelistic book of the OT. This study includes film and contemporary music videos as a means of analyzing our culture and our lives.
From a 2003 film, a word-for-word enactment of John's Gospel from the Good News Bible translation: The Life of Jesus trailer
10 Studies / 226-pages
Paul was Jesus' most influential disciple. Much of the New Testament contains his letters and actions from Acts. Here's Affirm Film's 2018 movie depicting Paul final days with Luke his friend and chronicler.
10 Studies / 218-pages
If the disciples stole the body of Jesus, as the Jewish leaders alleged, then surely Pontus Pilate's tribune, Clavius, can find itl. Or maybe not. Here's Affirm Film's 2016 movie RISEN with Scripture detailing these events.
10 Studies / 224-pages
Follow Matt and Sarah, an ordinary couple, to a favorite cabin for an extraordinary weekend of conversation and learn from their talks.
Paperback / 365 pages / 22 Scratch Art Drawings / 16.95
The Jesus Study
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